Cookie Policy
The cookies used by this website help us to improve the content organization and the website usability through the anonymous detection of visitor behavior. The website does not use any cookie sent to third parties and does not use any profiling cookie to create users profiles. This site uses exclusively technical cookies.What are "cookies"?
Cookies are small text files that websites send to the browser on the user's device (computer, tablet, smartphone, notebook), and on which they are stored, before being re-transmitted to the same websites during the current visit or the next visit.What are "technical cookies"?
The technical cookies are used to perform various functions (authentication, session monitoring, storing user preferences, etc.) without which some operations would be very difficult or impossible to perform.The cookies used on this site:
Google Analytics cookies Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to generate reports on visitor interactions with websites. These cookies are used to store information that do not allow the personal identification of the users. Browsers do not share first-party cookies across domains.The Google Analytics cookies used are:
_ga e _gat
The _ga and _gat cookies are third-party cookies whose service is aimed at statistics of access to the website in a completely anonymous way.
To prevent this service, see: Google Analytics - gaoptout
To prevent this service, see: Google Analytics - gaoptout
Google reCAPTCHA
technical cookie
Technical cookie used to manage the display of this information sheet.
How to change cookie settings of the various browsers: